silhouette of people on beach during sunset

Specialist Neuropsychological Services in Liverpool

Dr Paul Baker ClinPsyD CPsychol
Clinical Psychologist specialising in neuropsychology
in NHS and private practice

About Merseyneuro

We provide expert clinical neuropsychological services for people with head and brain injuries across Liverpool and the North West to understand their needs and optimise their recovery.

white concrete building near green trees under blue sky during daytime
white concrete building near green trees under blue sky during daytime
person walking on roadway near vehicle and buildings
person walking on roadway near vehicle and buildings
a tall building with a clock on the top of it
a tall building with a clock on the top of it

Our Expertise

Clinical services are provided by myself, Dr Paul Baker. I have over ten years experience working with people with acquired brain injuries and their families within the NHS and the independent sector. I am registered with the Health and Care Professionals Council and hold Chartered status with the British Psychological Society.

I provide private consultation and assessment alongside my employment as a Clinical Psychologist in a NHS community neurorehabilitation service. Appointments are provided by video consultation or in person at my office in South Liverpool.

I have additional specialism in providing neuropsychological assessments for occupational health, Mental Capacity Act assessments, and assessments to inform the management and recovery of athletes post-concussion.